Weekday Shows And Features
The Morning Show With Joe Davis--Monday-Friday 6AM-9AM
Wake Up informed and entertained with Joe Davis.
Join Joe for a look at the days' weather, along with
great country music from today and classics from
"The Rack In Back". Stay up to date with the latest
local happenings and upcoming area events.
Keep abreast of world and national news
with FOX News at the top of the hour.
Agriculture is a major part of the local economy
and Joe talks with Agriculture Agents from
the surrounding counties
Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9AM.
Buy, Sell, Swap and Trade on Joe's
"Flea Market" Monday, Wednesday
and Friday mornings at 905AM
Donna Davis "The Old Broadcaster"
Ease thru your late morning, whether
on the road,
at home or work,
Donna plays your music,
with her special selections from
"The Rack In Back" and chats
with you about this or that
and keeps you updated on
the weather twice each hour.
Monday-Friday 2PM-5PM
Wrap up your workday with Dan with a
dose of
classic country
from the "The Rack In Back"
and today's country.
Along FOX News at the top
and bottom of each hour,
catch up on local events with the
"Action File " update at 2:30 PM.
Listen for the closing AG market reports
during the
"Going Home Reports"
at 4 and 5 PM